
Mayor's Message







In every issue of the Glenwood Gazette Mayor Ronald Gardiner addresses the residents of Glenwood to inform the public of the progress being made, goals achieved, and plans for the future of the Village. Please take the time to read your Glenwood Gazette to learn more about upcoming events and what's happening in your community. If you do not receive a Gazette through the mail, there are plenty available at Village Hall.

Mayor's Message- Winter 2021

We have three new restaurants: Easter's Cuisine, K's The Restaurant, and Rock Island Bistro. Please patronize these businesses, as well as our existing restaurants. During the pandemic, the restaurant industry has gone through some difficult times. The restaurants in Glenwood can use our help.


We continue to seek retail companies to locate in Glenwood. Our quest to acquire the shuttered Sanfratello Pizza property is complete and once this site is cleared, we will market it extensively to interested parties to redevelop our "downtown" area. I cannot say enough that we all need to support our local business at every turn. Everyone works hard to maintain quality businesses and they will not be able to sustain operations if we do not patronize them. Grab a sandwich, fill up your tank, buy that new dress and celebrate in our banquet facilities to show our business people we care about them and what they bring to the Village.

 We are completing a street resurfacing program to replace road surfaces in all sections of town. We are completing a program to replace watermains and affiliated streets using IEPA funds that will start in the spring of 2022.


The plan is to resurface necessary street surfaces in the next two years. I am working on a shared cost sidewalk replacement program that I hope to roll out in the spring. I am relying heavily on our newest member of Administration Mr. Bill Manousopoulos our Public Works Director to facilitate all of these initiatives. Bill comes to us with many years of Public Works experience and has "hit the floor running" as they say to assure that the Public Works Department is poised and ready for the coming winter and all that this brings. Bill can be reached at the Village Hall any weekday. Welcome aboard Bill.


In closing I would like to wish everyone a great start to the Holiday Season. I believe that the theme of Thanksgiving this year must include a close look at family and all that we have endured this past year. My pledge to you is to continue to work tirelessly for you, to assure that the Village of Glenwood continues to thrive and that you receive the services you need! I am always available to hear your concerns or comments.



Ronald J. Gardiner

Mayor's Message - Winter 2019

Holiday Greetings to all. We have already experienced bone chilling temperatures and record early season snow fall. The early seasonal challenges are a hearty reminder that we need to know our neighbors and check on them to assure that everyone is safe during these weather extremes. Get to know your neighbor and spread holiday cheer while you establish a link that just may be the difference in your or their safety this winter.

I want to welcome Harrison Maddox as our new Public Works Director. Congratulations to Harrison for excelling in the screening process and accepting the challenge of joining our Management Team. Harrison comes to us with extensive degree and course work in Public Sector Management as well as several years of Public Works experience in a neighboring town as well as his most recent job as an IDOT Manager of Minute Men. Harrison brings to the job a thirst for excellence as well as a broad spectrum of experience that will serve us well in the future as we address the every day tasks of maintaining our infrastructure as well as initializing new programs that will continue to serve the Village of Glenwood Residents.

The backbone of our Village is certainly our dedicated work force. The force I speak of is the Police Officers, the Public Works Professionals, Firefighters, Administrative and Front Office Staff as well as the Animal Control Officer, the entire staff at Glenwoodie Golf, and the staff at the senior center. This dedicated staff works tirelessly every day to accomplish the mission of the Village in a fiscally responsible manner with the utmost of compassion for everyone they contact.

These professionals often go unnoticed because they go about their business in such a professional manner that the tasks look effortless. Please join me in thanking each of them for their continued service to our residents. I would also like to recognize all of the volunteers that give of their time and talent to the Village in various capacities, The Finance Committee, Economic Development Committee, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Plan Commission, Golf Course Committee The Emergency Management Association, the Senior Commission and all of the individuals that sacrifice their time to make Glenwood a Better Place to Live.

The New Year holds much promise for the future of Glenwood. I look forward to continuing the progress as we meet the challenges of the region. We are poised to bring new business to the community, partner with existing business and our organizations to assure that we continue to thrive and build. I would like to congratulate the Glenwood Baseball League on their first quest in the Fall Ball Leagues. Also, congratulations to the Cougar Football Teams for an excellent championship season. I also want to recognize the Glenwood Hawks Basketball team. These young people are the future leaders of our community and I can think of no better way to prepare them for the challenges of life than structured sports and excellence.

I wish each and every one of you a Truly Safe and Joyous Holiday season and a Glorious New Year, a New Year filled with the realization of all of your Hopes, Dreams and Plans!