Glenwood Public Works and Fire Department to Host Sustainable Saturday
Sustainable Saturday paper shredding, e-waste recycling, clothing donation and medical waste drop off scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 9am to noon at Glenwood Village Hall.
Glenwood IL – Recycling hard to dispose of items such as electronics, bicycles, scrap metals, batteries and more has become a cumbersome task for many folks nationwide. Over 20 plus states are all hopping aboard the ban on trashing electronics. Since the 2011 ban in Illinois, many new businesses have emerged to remedy the struggle to find e-waste collection sites.
The Village of Glenwood Public Works Department and Glenwood Fire Department are teaming up June 4th to host Glenwood’s first “Sustainable Saturday”. Companies such as and Pro-Shred are also collaborating to help ease the struggle for residents of Glenwood toss those items which can no longer by law be disposed of in landfills.
Although, Glenwood Village Hall is a permanent collection site for e-waste through, finding places that collect televisions has always been the largest struggle for many residents of Glenwood. Patrick McAneney, Public Works Director, began coordinating this event with low cost T.V. collection in mind. VetTech’s regular charge is $20 a television, but at Sustainable Saturday McAneney assures Glenwoodians that, “The cost to resident will only be $10.00 per T.V. The Village is picking up the other $10.00”.
Glenwood Public Works Department and Fire Department encourages you to bring electronics, batteries, bicycles, scrap metal, tires, car batteries, clothing donations, medical waste, Televisions and more to this event. Fire Chief, Kevin Welsh Sr. reminds residents to please separate medical waste, clothing and electronics from one another. For those wishing to dispose of old documents, Pro-shred will be accepting up to four boxes per resident from 10am to noon. Residents will be able to view the document destruction.
The drop-off event takes place in Glenwood at the Village Hall located at One Asselborn Way. Items must be brought to the East side of Village Hall (courtyard) on Nugent Street to allow for unpacking of items from vehicles. Proof of residency is required.
For more information please contact Glenwood Village Hall at 708-753-2400 or visit for a full list of acceptable items.
Contact: Patrick McAneney 708-757-2314
Kevin Welsh 708-757-2311