Mayor's message- Winter 2012

The draft audit of the Village for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2011 shows us with a reserve of cash in our Operating Fund of over two million dollars. I would like to thank our employees, vendors and you, the taxpayers, for your patience with me in reaching this milestone. This reserve gives your goverment the abilibty to reduce the property tax burden we have placed on you. I am going to to propose a reduction in our property tax levy by 1.5% for next year to the Board of Trustees for consideration. The two million dollar reserve is approximately one third of our Corporate Budget per year. Our internal goal is one half or three million dollars and I believe we can achieve it within two years without a tax increase.


 There is significant activity within the Village:

  • The old Marathon gas station on Main Street has open, but the speedway on Glenwood-Dyer Road closed. We will work to get that station re-opened as it does provide gas for many of our residents on the way to and from work.
  • We have a closing date for the Glenwood Theatre property and bids to demolish the property to prepare it for development.
  • The Village is working to obtain the property Annie Lee had on Main Street for development and have a couple of interested buyers
  • The Town Center plaza is rebounding after the fire
  • Major construction will be taking place on Main Street for the finish of the relief sewer to serve the Forest Subdivision.
  • Our Public Works Department and engineers are looking at alternatives to Lake Michigan for water to enable us to be prepared for our upcoming contract negotions with Hammond, Indiana
  • The Plan Commission has finished the revision to our Comprehensive plan. This is a major accomplishment for them. Thanks to all who worked so hard on that project.
  • Donna M. Gayden, our Village Administrator, has made an offer on behalf of the Board to acquire the Glenwood Plaza
  • The Board has authorized the hiring of additional Police Officers and are awaiting the training dates to finalize their employment.

I am very happy with all that is occuring withing the Village. We keep a very lean staff and because of that, we were able to survive this economic downturn so far.  We have a lot of work left to perform and I will try and inform you of our activities in this format. Please feel free to stop in and visit when you are in the Village Hall and express your options and concerns

A resident recently passed awat after an extensive hospital stay from injuries that occured during an incident in Harbey. The Village, with the support of numerous local businesses worked to help her surving  family through this tragedy. We placed the home in a condition that provided the children with a safe, clean and functional enviroment. I would like to thank the following businesses for their outstanding support; Glenwood Paint, Martin Painting & Decorating, Tower Contracting, Leon's Floor Coverings, Mohawk Carpet, Jack Waters Plumbing, Bedding Experts, Furniture Bargains LLC, Brookwood Point Homeowners Association, Manor Homeowners Association, the Calvary Church Congregation, Gabe's Place, Glenwood Oaks Resturant and all the individuals that contributed their time and money to help this family in the most difficult time.