Mayor's Message - Fall 2016

As summer winds down and we begin to prepare our homes for the winter season, let us look back at our accomplishments and begin to plan for our future. I would like to highlight some of the initiatives that we have recently been working on. The projects completed to date and all of the “work in progress” will certainly provide for a very bright future for this Village we all love! I pledge my continued support and direction as we “Move Glenwood Forward”.

Congratulations to Brookwood School District #167 on the completion and opening of the marvelous new Brookwood Middle School. This is not just a building, but a movement to insure the education of our youth which I wholeheartedly support! Thank You Brookwood. I could not be more proud to proclaim that I am an Alumni!

I would first like to welcome the Food Hub Market as we held their Grand Opening on August 25th! What a great addition to the Glenwood Town center. This is a long anticipated addition to the Village. Food Hub features a full serve market with Deli, Grocery Line, fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as cooked foods and a butcher shop! The A-1 Grille has opened in the plaza and we anticipate the opening of the Krazy Hog BBQ as well. These establishments round out the culinary offerings of the Plaza. The Little Scholars Daycare Center had a Grand Opening as well and boasts a full roster as they look to expand their services to the people of Glenwood. The opening of Mias Café will offer a relaxing atmosphere for friendship, fellowship. Please remember these and ALL of our Glenwood Businesses as you make choices for the purchase of your necessities and your “extras”.

We have resurrected the Glenwood Business Person’s Association and we are meeting monthly to address concerns of the business community and to foster an environment of caring and sharing with our businesses. There have been many ideas floated about that would include a greater presence of Glenwood Events and expanded participation by our local merchants. The meetings are held on a monthly basis. Please contact JoAnne Alexander at 708-753-2438 for more information or to get involved.

Continuing with the business development concept, we have completed the annexation of the T&J Meats facility at Glenwood-Dyer Rd. and Cottage Grove Ave. While this very successful business has existed there for decades, the Village of Glenwood has never benefitted from the real estate tax or the sales tax proceeds, we will now. In addition to the increased revenues we are working closely with the owners to facilitate a rehabilitation of the building and grounds that will not only enhance the appearance, but provide a stylish property that will be home to an expanded grocery and meat market. It is anticipated that this work will begin by the end of this fall with a projected completion date of spring of 2018. We welcome the Lilovich family to our town and look for great things to come out of this partnership.

The parent company of Hanson Materials has been working with us to facilitate the annexation of approximately 100 acres of land on Glenwood Thornton Rd (Vincennes). This is the area across from the Mount Glenwood Cemetery. This has long been a concern of the Village and we finally have an opportunity to have this area cleaned up and once complete will have a passive trail system and a extensive array of native plants. This is something that will not only enhance a distressed property, but will generate funds for the Village while the work is being completed through tipping fees. Once complete this nature preserve will serve as our own nature center with unlimited possibilities for our children.

The completion of the State Street TIF District and it’s designation by the State of Illinois as an Enterprise Zone will enable us to begin making plans and marketing the areas south and east of Glenwoodie Golf Course. This will also include the area south of Glenwood-Dyer Road adjacent to I-394. These areas have great potential to become commercial developments with increased values being added to our community. These are the last open spaces that we have to develop and it is imperative that we plan carefully to assure maximization of the benefits for the residents for years to come.

The development of the Glenwood Plaza site is a topic that will need more space than I have available in this message to address. As I am writing this message, I am also working on a message from me that will be mailed to EVERY resident in the coming weeks dealing with and explaining exactly where we are with the redevelopment of the Front Door to our Community!

The values of our properties are paramount to the success of our community. As we address issues daily that impact our future, I would ask that you strive to maintain and upgrade your property. I have instructed the Inspectional Services Division of the Fire Department to escalate enforcement efforts. The Board of Trustees has affirmed and we will also be enhancing our Property Maintenance Ordinances to provide our Inspectors with more “tools in their tool boxes”. This will help to speed up response time of property maintenance issues. Please take a minute to meet your neighbors, explain the importance of property maintenance. A bit of kindness and education goes a long way.

As I end this message to you, I want to assure you that the finances of the Village of Glenwood are in excellent shape; our debt is controlled, financials have just undergone the annual audit process and staff is working diligently to insure revenue streams with the directive to minimize the effects on YOU. The audit will be presented at the Board of Trustees Meeting on either October 4 or 18, 2016.