Mayor's Message - Spring 2016

The Village is working diligently to “Move Glenwood Forward”. We completed the acquisition of the Glenwood Plaza Property, prepared development packets for distribution and received great interest in the redevelopment of the plaza. The Village has also solicited for environmental remediation services and demolition services for buildings on the plaza property. Demolition of the former Bowling Alley, Garofolo’s and the Liquor Store will be completed soon!

The developer proposals are in the final stages of review with selection of the Developer of Record slated for the end of May. Time is of the essence. There will be several months of finite planning for the necessary utility improvements and permitting. Along with planning, there will be site improvements including storm water detention, water main installation, more demolition and redefining of the buildable spaces. The developer plans will be presented in a village wide forum for all to see.

As you can see, the Village has been busy planning for the redesign of our “Front Door”. Never in the history of Glenwood has there ever been a greater challenge than restoring the former grandeur of this property as we strive to position Glenwood for a bright future.

Please take advantage of our first ever Sustainable Saturday! This is the season to “clean out the clutter” and do it in an environmentally conscious manner. We will be accepting electronics, batteries, tires, medicines and much more on Saturday, June 4, 2016. This is a joint project of our Public Works and Fire Department and will take place at Village Hall.   Please visit our website for further details.

We will be hosting a Mini Flea Market this summer in the parking lot just west of Village Hall. This is a great opportunity to come out and sell your slightly used “treasures” while enjoying the company of your neighbors and friends. Please watch our website for the announcement of dates and sign up information.

We have partnered with the “Fetching Market” this year to expand on our Holiday Market concept. The Fetching Market will be held at Glenwoodie in mid-November, 2016. The planning is ongoing and we will have all of the details available on our website in the near future.

The 4th of July Celebration is back in Glenwood! We will be resurrecting our Annual Parade and Family Fest this year. Please join us on the 4th as the Parade steps off at 1:00 p.m. from the Glenwood Oaks Restaurant parking lot and travels to the Village Square at the Village Hall where we will have music, food, libations and friendship all afternoon. Plan to top off your night with our Annual Fireworks Show at Glenwoodie! Music and “tailgating” starting at 7:00 p.m. with the fireworks at 9:15 p.m.

For information on any or all of the above events, please contact  at the Village Hall at 708-753-2400.

Join me as we “MOVE GLENWOOD FORWARD” in a fashion never seen before. I stand with you as we partner to enhance the experience known as “Glenwood”!