Senior News
Many new programs have been implemented and all of the old ones are still running. We need the participation of more seniors, and we invite your seniors to call or come by the John H. Blakey Center for Seniors. We are here Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and our telephone number is 708-753-2438. We are receiving the news that Village seniors are not receiving current Village information. There are several ways to receive the current information available to all Village residents. Tune into Comcast Cable Channel 4, read the Village Newsletter, the Glenwood Gazette, and/or attend Village Board Meetings (1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month) At the meetings, residents can present questions and get answers on site. Also, most Village information, including a schedule and a calander of upcoming events is posted here on our website.
Visit the Blakey Center and use the computers available to seniors. Seniors are invited to sign up for the computer class also offered on site. Remember, every first Thursday of the month is a Potluck Birthday Party.
Assessor's Office: Exemptions due by April 10 & Operational Updates